Nov 3, 2010

Mom and Her Diary (MAHD) Contest

Posted by lydia1212 at 3:11 AM
Hi and Hola.

I know it's November already but it's not too late to support "Breast Cancer Awareness Month" and this fellow blogger friend (Kenny Thomas) really impressed me. She's doing a Giveaway Contest to all the fellow bloggers as a 'charity' and of course to support the Pink October.
 The Contest's Logo - created by Kenny a.k.a Mrs. Graig

The T&C (MAHD Giveaway Contest) is just so simple : upload pics with PINK element(s). I love PINK of course. Even though I love many colours, PINK is my priority - and guess what? My wedding theme was PINK and WHITE. What a nice combination (for me and PINK lovers).

So here are some pics that I want to share with u all and it's PINKY -

See - I've told ya' - This is the Backdrop during my wedding (23.10.2010) ^.*

Floral Candles as one of the Door-Gifts during my wedding (23.10.2010) ^.*

I love flowers; don't blame me okay! (Source : Copy n Paste - i forgot )

Sweet Seduction (Source : Copy n Paste - i forgot )

Okay and here also some pictures of mine with the PINK elements - taken in Cat-City (Kuching), during a visit in conjunction with my brother's Convocation - compressed for easy uploading progress~

if u like my pixies, pls don't hesitate to click "LIKE" button in the Pink October'S Album,
but if u want to do so, firstly, u must "LIKE" Mom and Her Diary Facebook Page okay?

To the fellow pink-a-holic especially to AnnieMing and Joan - bah kamurang tidak mau join? ^.*

May God bless everyone!

3 whisperer[s]:

StellaClaire said...

GOOD luck :)

lydia1212 said...

good luck 2 u 2 claire :)

KenMAHD said...

Tenkiu ^____^


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