Sep 2, 2010


Posted by lydia1212 at 2:34 PM
I am so speechless....
that I'm getting married **soon**
that I'm busy doing preparation for my **big day**
penat mau urus itu ini but really exciting and now I know that it's not easy to plan for a perfect wedding. I know nothing is perfect in this world, and I don't expect that I will have a perfect wedding but one thing for sure I can create a well-plan wedding.

Thanks to God for His continuous blessings and I can say that my prayers had been answered...and it's a prayer that I've been praying since long, long time ago.

I love my family for supporting me and for their unconditionally LOVE.

2 whisperer[s]:

Annie said...

Have fun with the wedding prep.. You're gonna miss it after your big day ;-) Like me! Hehe

lydia1212 said...

thanks Annie... i cant really wait hehe....


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